About PsykSTIP

The scholarship committee at the Faculty of Psychology was established in 2012.

psykSTIP is a professional political and professional-social committee that works to promote the interests and views of both internal and external fellows who have been admitted to research training at the Faculty of Psychology, UiB. The committee aims to be an inclusive committee with good contact with the scholarship group as a whole. The committee believes it is important that the fellows at the Faculty of Psychology should get the best possible start as young researchers.

The committee consists of fellows from the faculty’s various subject areas; HEMIL, IBMP, IKP, ISP, IPED.

Professional political work

The committee shall work for scholarship holders’ rights and that all scholarship holders shall have a good opportunity to express their views on matters that concern them. The committee functions as a consultation body in all matters relevant to scholarship holders at the Faculty of Psychology. Through its formal status at the faculty and representation in committees, psykSTIP can promote the fellows’ interests and views in relevant matters. The committee is not affiliated with any trade union, but can cooperate with various trade unions and other trade union political bodies if desired.

Professional social work

psykSTIP works to ensure that the scholarship holders at DPF have the opportunity to meet each other across professional and organizational affiliations, at various professional and social events such as the Scholarship Day.

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